Download Regenerations / ReGeNeRations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada de Marie Carriere,Patricia Demers PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
[Download] Regenerations / ReGeNeRations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada de Marie Carriere,Patricia Demers libros ebooks, Regenerations / ReGeNeRations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada espanol pdf
Regenerations / ReGeNeRations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada de Marie Carriere,Patricia Demers
Descripción - Críticas 'Regenerations considers an extremely diverse range of order to interrogate the exclusivity of our understanding of authorship and readership. This innovative and inspiring collection provides sensitive readings of current issues facing women writers in the digital age... Regenerations considers the digital environment not only as a mode of communication, but also as a regenerative tool for drawing attention to past works that have been excluded or marginalized from literary histories. Original and insightful, this book demonstrates the exciting future of humanities scholarship and artistic production.' -- Alicia Fahey Canadian Literature ' their totality, [the essays] explore the worlds of Canadian women writers in both French and English, amplifying and enriching critical and literary traditions... Carriere and Demers are to be applauded for making a significant contribution to the literary history of female writers, editors, and readers in Canada... [T]he collection's impressive breadth registers women writers' sustained commitment to and active engagement in creating and nourishing literature in Canada.' -- Linda M. Morra English Studies in Canada Reseña del editor Buttressed by a wealth of new, collaborative research methods and technologies, the contributors of this collection examine women's writing in Canada, past and present, with 11 essays in English and 5 in French. Regenerations was born out of the inaugural conference of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory held at the Canadian Literature Centre, University of Alberta, and exemplifies the progress of radically interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and publishing efforts surrounding Canadian women's writing. Researchers and students interested in Canadian literature, Quebec literature, women's writing, literary history, feminist theory, and digital humanities scholarship should definitely acquaint themselves with this work. Contributors: Nicole Brossard, Susan Brown, Marie Carriere, Patricia Demers, Louise Dennys, Cinda Gault, Lucie Hotte, Dean Irvine, Gary Kelly, Shauna Lancit, Mary McDonald-Rissanen, Lindsey McMaster, Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Julie Roy, Susan Rudy, Chantal Savoie, Maite Snauwaert, Rosemary Sullivan, and Sheena Wilson. Biografía del autor Marie Carriere is the Director of the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de litterature canadienne and teaches French, English, and Comparative Literature at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses on contemporary women's writing and the theory and history of feminism. Patricia Demers, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies and the Comparative Literature program at the University of Alberta, teaches and researches in the area of women's writing-from the early modern period to the present.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Regenerations / ReGeNeRations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada
- Autor: Marie Carriere,Patricia Demers
- Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
- Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 435 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Regenerations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des ~ Regenerations: Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada 2014-09-01: : Unknown: Libros
Regenerations: Canadian Women's Writing/Ecriture Des ~ Regenerations (Paperback) Canadian Women's Writing/Ecriture Des Femmes Au Canada. By Patricia DeMers, Marie J. Carriaere. University of Alberta Press, 9780888646279, 310pp. Publication Date: September 1, 2014
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Regenerations / Régénérations ~ Regenerations was born out of the inaugural conference of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory held at the Canadian Literature Centre, University of Alberta, and exemplifies the progress of radically interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and publishing efforts surrounding Canadian women's writing.
Regenerations - livrescanadabooks ~ Canadian Women's Writing / Ecriture des femmes au Canada. Dir. : Marie Carrière & Patricia Demers Buttressed by a wealth of new, collaborative research methods and technologies, the contributors of this collection examine women's writing in Canada, past and present, with 11 essays in English and 5 in French.
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